RAD Studio XE5 and the VirtualTree Component

Today I will show how to move the well known VirtualTree component to the new RAD Studio XE5 version.

But before I would like to point out that it is a great honor for me that Embarcadero has given me the permission to show my first experiences with the new RAD Studio XE5 product.

RAD Studio XE5 is the successor of RAD Studio XE4. Like RAD Studio XE4 it supports the Win32, Win64, OS X and iOS platform. In addition it also supports the Android platform. Jim McKeeth and Marco Cantu already blogged about it.
You can get more information about Android and RAD Studio at Embarcadero.
I’m using a pre-release version of RAD Studio XE5.

Okay, let’s come back to the VirtualTree. First, I checked out the latest version from Google Code. After that I navigated to the “RAD Studio XE4” directory. I copied it and renamed it to “RAD Studio XE5”. In this directory you can find the “RAD Studio XE4.groupproj” project group. I opened it in the RAD Studio XE5 IDE and renamed it to “RAD Studio XE5.groupproj”. Since the including packages are XE4 packages they have the lib suffix 18 which I changed to the XE5 suffix 19. At last I compiled the packages and installed them into the IDE. That’s it!

As you can see it will be very easy to move existing projects to RAD Studio XE5.
In the next session I will migrate the well known component suite Orpheus to RAD Studio XE5, so stay tuned!

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