RAD Studio XE5 and Orpheus

As I mentioned in my last post about the VirtualTree I will today show how to move the Orpheus component suite to RAD Studio XE5.

But before I have to mention that I got a special permission from Embarcadero to show my experiences with the RAD Studio XE5 product.

RAD Studio XE5 is the brand new product from Embarcadero that allows native development for the the Win32, Win64, OS X, iOS and Android platform.
Jim McKeeth and Marco Cantu have written some nice examples about how to share the code between iOS and Android.
You can get more information about Android and RAD Studio at Embarcadero.
I’m using a pre-release version of RAD Studio XE5.

Okay, let’s come back to Orpheus. Orpheus has originally been written by the great TurboPower company that closed on January 7, 2003. Today, 10 years later a lot of applications still use their code.

Orpheus is now released under the Mozilla 1.1 license and it is hosted at SourceForge.

I’ve chosen Orpheus for my test with RAD Studio XE5 because it is originally written for Delphi 1. This means that I would like to prove that RAD Studio XE5 is compatible to old Delphi versions.

Like moving the VirtualTree to RAD Studio XE5 I checked out the latest version, copied the “Delphi XE4” folder and renamed it. After that I opened the “Orpheus Delphi XE4.groupproj” and also renamed it. Then again I changed the suffix from 18 to 19 and clicked on compile. And everything compiled without a single change of code!

Again, RAD Studio XE5 is compatible to very old code, I guess that it will be easy to recompile all my Delphi projects.

In the next session I will migrate another TurboPower library to RAD Studio XE5, the compressing library Abbrevia. So stay tuned!

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