Components for XE8 and GetIt

From my last post many of you already know that I’m maintaining some components for RAD Studio, particularly Delphi but also for C++Builder.

As I mentioned in that post Embarcadero sponsored me to this work and Embarcadero’s RAD Studio Product Manager Marco Cantù convinced me to clean up the code and only support the latest version of RAD Studio.

I did the work half a year ago for RAD Studio XE7 and with the brand new XE8 release we thought that we can do things better. That’s why we decided to the following:

  1. We renamed all components and put them under the new name TurboPack.
  2. We moved them all from Sourceforge to GitHub to a central place.
  3. For older versions of RAD Studio we created separate branches, e.g. TurboPack-XE3, TurboPack-XE5 and TurboPack-XE7.
  4. We added further components like SysTools, OnGuard and Essentials.
  5. For real FMX support we started to split a library into a VCL and FMX version, the VCL version became a branch of the FMX version.
  6. Embarcadero introduced the great GetIt package manager that automatically allows to install a library into the IDE.

The current libraries are:

  1. VirtualTreeView
  2. AsyncPro
  3. OnGuard VCL
  4. OnGuard FMX
  5. LockBox
  6. LockBox 3
  7. SysTools
  8. PowerPDF
  9. Orpheus
  10. SynEdit
  11. Abbrevia
  12. Essentials

For future work I can do the following:

  1. Adding further libraries
  2. Creating branches for older versions of RAD Studio
  3. Introducing FMX versions of Abbrevia or LockBox.

Any help or sponsoring would be appreciated.

This entry was posted in C++-Builder, Delphi, FireMonkey, RAD Studio XE5, RAD Studio XE6, RAD Studio XE7, RAD Studio XE8, SourceForge, Third Party Components, Tips and Tricks, TurboPack, TurboPower, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.