From time to time I’m making backups from my IMAP account. Therefore I’m using a small tool called IMAPSize.

IMAPSize is written in Delphi 5 and the code is hosted under sourceforge.

Last week it has been impossible to connect to my IMAP account with IMAPSize that’s why I wanted to debug it.

Since I didn’t want to reinstall Delphi 5 I converted the code to Delphi Berlin and published it under bitbucket.

I had to get rid of some very old Third Party VCL components and replaced them with the VCL standard controls so that the Delphi Berlin version currently isn’t as smooth as the original one. But with some additional hours of time things could be fixed.

Anyway, I could debug the tool and found out what the problem was: IMAPSize uses the Synapse components to connect to an IMAP server which themselves use OpenSSL. Therefore IMAPSize ships two dlls which were simply outdated.

Now I’m considering to move IMAPSize to FireMonkey and additionally to a console application. With these changes IMAPSize would run on the Mac and maybe in the future on Linux but I therefore I would need some sponsors. So any help or thoughts are appreciated.

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