IDE Integration of TMS Web Core

Yesterday I presented TMS Web Core in a general way but today I would like to talk about the IDE integration of TMS Web Core.

From the beginning the goal was to integrate TMS Web Core into the IDE that it behaves like a new platform. Certainly, there are some restrictions, e.g. that a TMS Web Core project is a special kind of project with integrated HTML files but the usual functionality should be the same as for a normal desktop projects.

One important point is that code completion and code insight must work and they do work. Another aspect is that a project must compile and run with F9, Ctrl+F9 etc. and this also does work.

After compiling you can see as usual the hints, warnings and errors and certainly you can click on them so that the editor opens the unit at the fitting position.

We also wanted to archive that you can find the compiler settings under project/options and the general settings under tools/options. We didn’t want to add some odd buttons or menu items so that you always have the impression that TMS Web Core is an integrated part of the wonderful IDE.

One aspect I also would like to mention is that we are offering a command line compiler like Delphi does with the dcc32 or dcc64 but contrary to Delphi we are offering two versions of it, a 32 bit and a 64 bit version. 🙂

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