Monthly Archives: February 2020

Happy Anniversary Delphi!

Hi all, today is Delphi’s 25th Anniversary! Happy birthday to this wonderful development language! In 1995 I was studying at University of Paderborn and still used Borland Pascal. But then in 1996 I started to work with Delphi 2 and … Continue reading

Posted in Delphi, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo, RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, RAD Studio XE5, RAD Studio XE6, RAD Studio XE7, RAD Studio XE8 | Comments Off on Happy Anniversary Delphi!

ConTEXT for High DPI with new Icons

Today I published a new version of the ConTEXT editor. As I explained in my previous posts ConTEXT is a small, fast and powerful freeware text editor, developed to serve as a secondary tool for software developers. It has originally … Continue reading

Posted in RAD Studio 10 Seattle, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo, RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, RAD Studio XE5, RAD Studio XE6, RAD Studio XE8, Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized | Comments Off on ConTEXT for High DPI with new Icons