Hybrid Web applications

This week TMS held a webinar about the next release 1.8 of TMS Web Core which includes the next version of Miletus.

Miletus is a framework that allows you to create HTML and CSS based web applications for the desktop. It can be compared with the Electron framework but has several advantages, particularly the non-dependency of Electron and the smaller size of the binaries. In addition to the existing Miletus version which only works for Win32, the next release will support Win32, Win64, macOS64 and Linux64.

And all this can be done in the great RAD Studio IDE!

But I went a step further. I created a Delphi project, that is a so called Hybrid application. This means that it supports a regular Web application, PWA, Electron and Miletus. In order to repeat this fact again, this kind of Delphi project allows you to run your application everywhere. On smartphones, tablets, Windows desktop, Linux desktop and macOS including the new M1 architecture. I would say this is the most flexible project type I have ever seen.

If you would like to learn more about the details you are welcome to contact me and ask for commercial consultancy.

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