Author Archives: roman

Record Helpers for Intrinsic Types

I guess that most of you already heart about it. With Delphi XE3 EMBT introduced record helpers for intrinsic types. E.g. Marco Cantu and Nick Hodges already blogged about it. Just to explain what record helpers for intrinsic types are … Continue reading

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IntraWeb and Session Timeout

This week I had to maintain an IntraWeb application. For those who are not familiar with IntraWeb it allows you to create a web application with Delphi. This means that you can design your web application with components and their … Continue reading

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Today, I found another example of a common mistake, a unit with global constants. I guess most of you know this situation. There is a value that is used several times in a unit and you declare a constant for … Continue reading

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Sometimes it happens that I would like to convert a Delphi object to an interfaces. Interfaces offer some advantages. On the one hand you can handle different objects that are not derived from a common hierarchy but share the same … Continue reading

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More About Records

Since records offer methods and properties they are often used to replace objects. This is possible if there is no need to use inheritance. But there is a significant difference between both. References to objects are like pointers to a … Continue reading

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I guess that everyone already had to solve this small issue. There are two variables, one with a path, the other with the filename and they have to be combined. In the old Delphi world there is the function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter … Continue reading

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This week I found a new interesting piece of code. Someone wanted to initialize a string with a special length of the same char. procedure TMyClass.Init; const cBufferLength = 100; var I: Integer; begin … FBuffer := ” for I … Continue reading

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(Ab)use of Try..Except

Today I found an example of the abuse of a try.. except block. procedure TMyClass.DoSomething; var sValue: string; iValue: Integer; begin … try iValue := StrToInt(sValue); except iValue := 0; end; … end; The idea is simple. StrToInt converts a … Continue reading

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Because of my post about the Switches I would like to mention some things about records. Records are are nice way to do things in an object-oriented way without the overhead of real objects. In the unit System.IOUtils you can … Continue reading

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Naming of Constants

Normally constants improve the readability and maintainability of your code. One example is the minimum value of a single. You can find it in the unit System.Math: … const MinSingle = 1.4012984643248170709e-45; … Instead of writing the float value it … Continue reading

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